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Launch Systems | Space Systems | Mission Engineering

Applications of Autonomous On-Board Orbit Control

Abstract: Fully autonomous, on-board orbit control was flight demonstrated on UoSAT-12. This technology was developed to reduce operations cost. It does this using less propellant than traditional orbit maintenance, but also opens a new array of potential mission...

Autonomous On-Board Orbit Control: Flight Results and Applications

Abstract: Microcosm, under Air Force Research Laboratory (Space Vehicles Directorate) and internal funding, developed and recently flew the first fully autonomous, on-board orbit determination and intrack and cross-track control system. Results show the technology...

Autonomous Orbit Control: Initial Flight Results from UoSAT-12

Abstract: Microcosm, under funding from the Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate, has developed the first on-orbit demonstration of autonomous, on-board intrack and cross-track orbit control. The flight demonstration was conducted on the Surrey...